Sunday 2 October 2011

Chapter 3: INTERNET TECHNOLOGY -Network Basics_Network Topology-

...Lets learn about network topology...

Network topology refer to layout of the computers and devices in a communications network.

Here is  the diagram of different networks topologies.There are three commonly used network topologies.


The first picture refer to the Bus network topology, second picture Star network topology and third picture is Ring network topology.

Physical Layout
  • The arrangement of a cabling 
Logical layout 
  • The path that data travels between computers on a network
     How we can describe each of the network topologies?
    Bus Network Topology
    A bus network consists of a single central cable ( backbone ) to which all computers and other devices connect.The bus is the physical cable that connects the computers and other devices.The bus in a bus network, transmit data, instructions and information as a series of signal.Each device is connected to the single bus cable through T-Connector. A terminator is required at each of the bus cable and the function of terminator is prevent the signal from bouncing back.Here are some example picture of Terminator Modules
    All the computers and other devices on the network connect to a central device, thus forming a star.Hub and switch are two types of devices that provide a common central connection point for other devices on a network. All data that transfers from one device to another passes through the hub or switch.Here are some example picture of switch.
        Hub and Switch are difference between one another. Hub is used to refer to any piece of network equipment that connects PC's together, it refers to a multi-port repeater while switch is a switches that control the flow of network traffic based on the address information in each packet.For more information click this link for differences between hub and switch
        Ring Network Topology
        On a ring network, a cable forms a closed loop (ring) with all the computers and devices arranged along the ring.Token Passing is one method for sending data around a ring.Each device takes a turn sending and receiving information through the use of token passing.
        Advantages of Each Network Topologies
        1) Inexpensive and easy to install 
        2) Others devices can be attached or detached without disturbing the network 
        3) Failure of one device usually does not affects the rest
        Star network topology 
        1) Easy to troubleshoot and isolate problem. 
        2) Devices can be added or removed from networks without any disruption. 
        3) If one device fails, does not affected the rest.
        Ring network topology
        1) Transmission of data is simple. 
        2) Cable faults easily located,making troubleshoot easier. 
        3) All device share network resources fairly.
        Disadvantages of Each Network Topologies. 
        Bus Network Topology
        1) There might be a disruption when computers or others devices are added or removed. 
        2) The break in the backbone will prevents all systems from accessing the network. 
        3) It is difficult to identify the problem if the network shut down.
        Star Network Topology
        1) If the hub or switch fails, the entire network will be shut down. 
        2) Required more cables than most of the other topologies.
        3) More expensive because of the cost of hub or switch.
        Ring Network Topology
          1) A failure in any cable or devices breaks the ring and can down the entire network. 
          2) Data packets must pass through every computers, thus make it slower. 
          3) More difficult to install than a bus network.  


                                                                  1. Thanks ya.. Click those link to get more info..:)

                                                                  2. nice work..cantek gmbar topology tue...snang nak ingat.. :)..

                                                                  3. u choosde the same sub-topic with me. i hope u can use this link also for ur references. :)


                                                                  5. it's a good explanation.thank you for your info..:))

                                                                  6. I can learn from this..thank you..:))
